What is staff motivation and how important is it.

Mikes smithen

Verified member
Staff motivation refers to a situation whereby a particular employee or employees and given encouragement or possibility to enjoy better job incentives due to their good and benevolence skillful competence that they keep showing in the business organization. Motivation of employees is absolutely important because it helps other employees in the business organization to put in good work in what they do. Staff motivation also lead to productivity as it help employees to never lose focus but put in their time and energy to make sure that goes an objectives in the business organization are accomplished and achieved as expected or plan.

Motivation in a business organization towards employees can be done through the creation of policy, which is basically a framework to give employees and superiors a sense of direction. Motivation can be done through the use of promotion and issuing of attractive salaries to employees.


VIP Contributor
Staff motivation is about giving an employee or employees the needed encouragement or good job incentives to make them work and love their jobs.

Motivation of employees is absolutely important because it helps them enjoy doing their jobs which will be good for their wellbeing, that of the employer and the workplace.

When you motivate your employees through different ways you are telling them to put more efforts which they would do effortlessly as they have a big back up by their manager.


Staff motivation is absolutely important and it is one of the duty and responsibility of a business manager and business owner. There are so many ways which you can motivate your staff but two of the most popular ways of actually doing this is by making sure to give those who are benefits in attitude and behavior the chance of being promoted to enjoy bigger organizational incentives like attractive salaries or properties. Another ways of doing this is by encouraging them through oral training and interaction with them. Moreover in order to accomplish this second strategy you must make sure that you have a good reputation in the business organization and you are a kind of business manager that cares about their welfare emotionally.


Valued Contributor
Any business organization that can't motivate its staff would have a bunch of staff members who don't enjoy their jobs but just come because they don't have any other viable option in sight. Such kinds of staff, when they have the slightest opportunity of a slightly better offer, would dump the present organization without thinking twice.

How easy is it for a business organization to motivate its staff? It is not too difficult but it just takes commitment and a will to do it. Just offer good pay, give a good work-life balance, recognize contributions, and provide a good working environment.