What is production and how the have help in business


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Many people have their own view of production is but according to my own knowledge I can define production as the manufacturing of raw materials into finish product, many product before the we're transform into finish or not useful material the were once not needed.

Many people keep asking how production has help in business well it has help a lots but I would discuss a few every one today want to venture into production business because one could do his business at any way or point in time because the knowledge is in him.
In my fashion business for example I have come to enjoy my creativity and this has help boast my client, most people come across different state in order to patronize me they and the nice and easiest thing, another reason I love production is that one could amend his mistake or an issue that resulted during production at ease but it not easy for others who only base on buying and selling they may return the product to the manufacturers which may take weeks or month depending on distant.