What is a custodial and non-custodial wallet?


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What is a custodial and non-custodial wallet?

The crypto wallet is a section of the software, that helps users to store their digital assets securely. There are different types of crypto wallets, custodial wallet and non-custodial wallets are the most well-known among them.

Custodial Wallet

The custodial wallet is the most popular and easy to set up. Whenever create an account and buy crypto with a popular exchange service like Binance, you have already stored your digital assets in a custodial wallet, because this exchange includes defaults features.

A third-party service provider creates a wallet address and stores your cryptocurrency for you in a custodial wallet for managing and abstracting the wallet infrastructure away. This is like a bank offering you a savings account in which to keep secure.

Non-custodial software wallets

This non-custodial wallet is Secure software that gives you complete control over your cryptocurrencies. Instead of relying on a third party to keep your cryptocurrencies safe, the responsibility of protecting your funds now falls on you.

You are typically in charge of managing and keeping your private keys and seed phrases to the associated wallet address (or account) safe from prying eyes in non-custodial software wallets. Private keys are the wallet's soul, and having them stolen or compromised in anyway means losing all funds stored in that wallet. So private keys are very important for the non-custodial wallet.

Thanks for reading, I hope this points provides you with the complete details about cryptocurrency wallet. If you want to keep learning and developing your crypto knowledge, nowadays, many cryptocurrency exchange development company like Bitdeal, are providing clear cut details about cryptocurrencies and also bitdeal provides cryptocurrency exchange script with inbuild wallet.