What are the common order types of cryptocurrency exchanges?


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Market Order :

A market order is an order to buy or sell a stock at the market current value. These orders are executed by the market. market orders are optimal when the primary goal is to execute the trade instantly.

Limit order :

A limit order is an order to buy and sell a stock with a restriction on the maximum price to be the limit price.

Ex :

Halley Chris wants to sell 1 BTC for 20k USD and placed a limit order, on the other hand, Jennifer was happy about buying 1 BTC for 20K USD at the market price and placed a Market order.

The limit order in the order book matches with the market order and the order gets closed.

Do you have an idea of starting a new crypto trading platform, you can contact any cryptocurrency exchange development company, that provides a cryptocurrency exchange script with all types of orders included making it easy for crypto traders to make trading as per their wish.