What are some Simple ways to earn real passive income?


New member
I've heard of affiliate marketing and blogging but are there any other ways or apps that can help me earn passive income.
Yes there are so many ways you can make passive money and you are currently doing one. You being on this forum means you are earning money here. You can also earn through dropshipping or getting paid to write original content articles etc.
First let me correct the impression of the word simple. There is nothing simple about making money, as we all know nothing good comes easily, we have to work very hard to get something that is legal and that is lasting. Again another saying goes thus; easy comes easy go. So we must always strive hard to get something good out of life rayher wanting to get things the easy way. Let's try to eradicate this idea people have been spreading around that you can make easily or simple money online. If you must work online, then you must be technically prepared and physically prepared aswel. As working online entails a lot of brain work and physical effort.

One must be prepared to learn. You can not do much without learning new things that is the first step to apply before starting. Let's take going into crypto currencies trading for instance, you must first understand it properly before venturing into it. Thaý is the only way to attain success in trading. And even if you want to go into affiliate marketing it is absolutely not free. You have to be ready to work. Then success will be guaranteed. But always choose what you love to do.