What’s Not Covered by Renters Insurance?


VIP Contributor
As a tenant trying to carry out renters insurance policy , you would have to know what your policy would not cover. The below are the areas that Renters insurance doesn't cover;

Physical building or residential area

Renters insurance coverage doesn't protect the residential building one lives in. it is the landlord’s insurance that covers the physical building even basic areas like hallways.
incident that in the building

This coverage is one that doesn't cover incidents that happen in common spaces like a stranger or visitor slips on an icy sidewalk. This injury will covered by the landlord’s liability insurance not this policy.

Room mate possession

Another area this policy will not cover is any issue arising because of a room mate or one an insured is living with. A renters insurance policy won’t cover a roommate’s possessions or any vehicle damage same with car theft. It would not even cover any damages that stems from destruction of insects or pets.

No coverage for natural disasters or occurrences

The renters insurance policy would not cover for natural disasters and occurrences. Which includes earthquakes, floods and mudslides. But if you need this coverage it can be bought separately via additional policies

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