Weight Loss means eating a Healthy Diet and Exercising


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Chia seeds are never black in color. They are a mixture of black, white, brown, and grey color seeds. They are slightly larger and oval in shape. On the other hand, sabza seeds look jet black, small and round in size.

When you look at the nutrient content of chia seeds and sabza seeds, it is approximately the same. Sabza seeds and chia seeds are both nutritious and healthy. They increase satisfaction and prevent you from engaging in eating unhealthy foods and fast food.

There is evidence that eating chia seeds is beneficial when trying to lose weight. There is little research on sabza seeds. You can include both in your diet for best results. However, remember that weight loss means eating a healthy diet and exercising.
That's what I do tell people. Losing weight doesn't mean one should not eat again. In fact, it means eating in the right proportion and not eating junkie food. There are some people that do eat anything anytime in varying quantities, those people are not ready to lose their weight.
I am grateful to you for this useful tip.

If not because you're kind,selfless and generous you wouldn't have shared this vital information with us free of charge .

There are some people who have known about sabza seed that helps in weight loss, before you but won't like others to have knowledge about it because they want to write a book about the seed to make money