Tips for Effective Remote Team Communication

Tips for Effective Remote Team Communication​


It can be difficult to keep up with the remote work environment. The best way to make sure that communication is effective is by using technology. Here are some tips for effective remote team communication:

Use video chat​

Video chat is a great way to stay connected with your remote team. It can be used for meetings, training, and other team activities. Video chats also provide the opportunity to build trust and rapport between people who may not be able to physically meet often.

Video chats are one-on-one or group conversations that include all members of the remote team so everyone has an opportunity to speak their minds about what's going on at work or in life.

Create a shared workspace​

You'll want to create a shared workspace so that you can work on the same project. This will make it easier for both of you to understand each other's points of view, as well as provide a space where people can meet up and share ideas.

Another reason why this is important is because it allows everyone on your team (even if they don't live close together) access to a virtual whiteboard through video conferencing software like Skype or Zoom. This way, instead of emailing each other screenshots from meetings or asking questions via chat messages, everyone can just sit down at their desks and draw directly onto the screen!

Use project management tools​

Project management tools are the best way to keep your remote team on track and make sure everyone is working toward the same goal.

What is a project management tool? Project management tools are software programs that help you plan, manage and track projects. They can be used by individuals or entire teams. Some popular project management tools include Jira, Trello and Asana (which was formerly known as Basecamp).

Why use a project management tool? A good way to keep your remote team organized is by using a centralized system that keeps everyone in sync about what needs to be done next and when those things need doing. This makes it easier for everyone involved in any given project at all times because they know exactly where their responsibilities lie within those projects' timelines so they don't miss out on any opportunities along their path! Some common uses for this type of software include:

Use tools like Google Docs and Slack to keep in touch​

  • Use tools like Google Docs and Slack to keep in touch.
  • Slack is a great tool for team communication, as it allows you to create channels for each project or task that you're working on, so everyone can easily find what they're looking for. Plus, the app has a lot of integrations with other services like Asana and Trello so that people can collaborate from anywhere even if they don't have an office or conference room nearby! You'll also want to take advantage of its powerful search feature: by typing "@username" into any channel conversation in Slack (or clicking "message history"), you can see who replied last time anyone mentioned them by name! This makes it easier than ever before because now there's no need anymore just finding out who replied first...just click away until arriving at the right person(s).

Get technical support when needed​

You should always have access to technical support when necessary. This can help you fix issues or problems that come up, and if your remote team has a large number of members, it's likely that they will need some kind of tech support at some point in time.

If you're working remotely with colleagues who aren't familiar with the tools you use on a regular basis (and vice versa), it's important that everyone understands how those tools work together so they can be used effectively in various situations. If this isn't communicated well enough beforehand or if there are any misunderstandings about what works best for each party it could result in confusion down the road when one person thinks something should happen differently than what another person did before.


The most important thing to remember about remote work is that communication is key. Whether it's a chat group, video chats or just emailing one another, make sure everyone knows how they can stay in touch with each other. It's also important to set up tools like Google Docs and Slack so people can collaborate more easily on projects. And if you need technical support for your team, don't hesitate: get it!