The working Marketing Strategy


The effectiveness of Marketing has to do with ensuring effectiveness and purposefully direct the dynamics of market with a view recording high sales for huge profits.

The key points i will be looking at are namely:
Awareness, Consideration, Conversion Loyalty and Advocacy.

Awareness is a sound marketing strategy that keep the product targeted audience on the toes. This is done by ensuring that from time to time, update about the new invention on our products or services are relayed to the members of the public especially our customers.

Consideration. Due consideration should be given to the existing customers and the up coming ones. The consideration should be in such a way that we respect their opinion and look for wsay to satisfy their specific needs as far as our products and services are concerned.

Conversion. By Conversion it means we should ensure that stages of distribution are converted from one stage to the other. As a producer. the first stage of distribution, after the raw materials have been converted to Finished goods, is the Wholesaler who is the major and basic distributor of our goods.

This does not close our eyes to other stages of distribution . An approach from the retailer is also welcome, we can respond to their needs as well without them missing out all the required incentives.

Loyalty. Loyal customer or key business partner is a great asset to any organization. Hence their loyalty requires our recognition . There should be rewards for loyalty of and dedication of clients. So also we should also be loyal to any other Key Business partner that drives our business. The reward can be of various degrees and measures . it is based on the capacity and the capability of the organization in question.

Advocacy. We should be advocating for our stakeholders, By stakeholder, it means anyone that has either direct or indirect fortune to our business . Such a person or entity can be employee, suppliers, clients, customers. Banks, Legal Advisers.