The walking ad is still making the rounds in city


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I only see the walking advertisement in the movies and I was greatly surprised to see a walking ad in the streets of the business district. It was just unfortunate that I didn’t have my camera so I was not able to get a picture. They guy was dressed properly with the billboard on his front and on his back which was designed like a big vest. It looked to be an easy job if you are not a shy person because people will be looking at you. The cost of making the walking advertisement is like paying the minimum wage.

The walking ad is a novelty that certainly catches attraction of the public. Even if the public will not remember the product or business of the walking ad but the style of marketing will remain in the minds of those who saw the walking ad. Lately I have heard that the walking ad is making the rounds of social media. It is not surprising because people will take advantage of the internet. What is your take on the walking ad?
Most people aren't interested in walking advertisements because they are pressed so advertisers are using other manners to attract attention like placing a walking advertisement in front of supermarket or even in front of a cinema place. In this case, they remember more the content of the advertisement.
Well, I live in a country where walking advertisement is not something we usually see. In fact, I have never seen any kind of person walking down the street and advertising something. I live in a Tier 3 country. However, after reading your post, I did a Google search and I found what "Walking advertisement" actually means. I find this idea really cool, actually. I have seen some pictures of people attaching advertisement boards on their body and walking on streets!

This is a really unique form of advertisement that could be used to catch attention of many people and this is a really creative advertisement idea. I have seen many advertisements on cars and buses in my city. I think companies usually hire people because not all the people would like to attach some sort of advertisement board on their body and walk on streets and companies probably pay these advertisers a good amount of money. I also read a Wikipedia article titled as "Human Billboard" where it shows that people who advertise companies through such ways are also referred as "Sign Walkers". However, you must notice that this kind of advertisement is illegal in many places, including London.