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If you missed Bitcoin, don't regret it. Pi is destined to succeed and I have facts to prove it. Download Pi Network mobile app(free to mine) and create an account. You won't be able to create an account without an invite code which is eisa96679

Although Pi is not currently on the exchanges it will be listed before this year ends. Just read till the end and I’m 100% sure I’ll convince you to join the Pi revolution.


Pi was launched on 14 March 2019 and so far has managed to attract 12 Million+ engaged Pioneers (Pioneers is a term for Pi users). The app has 10M+ downloads on Google Play Store with a solid 4.7 rating from 182k users.

Core Team

The core team of Pi consists of 3 Stanford PhDs. Stanford has a long history of its graduates inventing stuff that has applications for people all around the world. The founders of Google, Larry Page & Sergey Brin are both Stanford Graduates.


Bitcoin uses a consensus algorithm named ‘Proof of work’ in which all nodes are competing against each other in solving a cryptographic puzzle resulting in a lot of energy consumption. Pi uses the type of consensus algorithm that is based on the Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP) and an algorithm called Federated Byzantine Agreement (FBA). All nodes come to a consensus of what the next block is after exchanging votes by sending computer messages to each other.


Pi’s roadmap consists of 3 phases. Pi is currently in its 2nd phase named Testnet which is almost complete. Currently, Pi cannot be exchanged for fiat or other currencies. The third phase is named Mainnet which will happen at the end of this year. This is the phase when Pi can be connected to exchanges and be exchanged for other currencies.


The mining itself is ‘simulated’. It means that the coins are already mined and you just get your reward by pressing the ‘Mine’ button every 24 hours. So, this ‘mining’ doesn’t consume any battery and is energy efficient, eco-friendly. You can close the app after pressing the ‘mine’ button and even turn off the phone.


Pi’s value comes from its utility. Even before mainnet, there are thousands of people all around the world who are trading their Pi in exchange for goods & services. The Pi Lifestyle (TPL) and Pi Network Market (PNM) are two of the most prominent Pi economies. These economies provide the platform where many people buy products and services in exchange for Pi. I’ll share some notable Pi transactions below.

Notable Transactions

You won't be able to do any transactions yet but about 300 Pioneers were given IAT capability. So, they can transfer Pi and are helping in Pi transactions all around the world. Many different economies are using different prices for Pi. Some are trading goods and services for Pi where 1 Pi = $100. Thousands of Pi transactions have happened and these are only a few:





I have much more but can share 5 only here.


Pi has a strict policy of 1 account per user. That’s why every user will be KYC’ed before the mainnet.


Pi will have a non-custodial wallet which will be released this year and everyone will have access to it before we reach the mainnet. Currently, it is being tested.

Simpsons’ Prediction

As you know, Simpsons’ predictions almost always end up true. They also predicted Pi.


Predicted price

Nobody knows for sure, just speculations. But the price would depend on what the majority of the pioneers accept to pay. Pi is a democratic coin, which means the pioneers decide what price to accept. If exchanges list us at a price we refuse the majority don't like, we can hold our coin and use it to make purchases from pi stores instead. This will prevent supply for exchanges convert to Fiat, so supply will be low against demand and exchanges will keep increasing price till it hits what the majority of the pioneers agree on. So the power lies with us and our acceptance. But for now, pioneers have accepted prices ranging from $1-$100 per pi.

How to join

Just download the Pi Network app from Google Play Store or Apple Store and create an account. Put your first name and last name correctly as they will be later matched with your ID documents. Mining is free. You only have to spend about 5 seconds in-app to press the mine button. You're not losing anything.

However, you can only join Pi Network with an invite code.

Invitation Code: eisa96679

Happy Mining!

If you have any questions or problems, just tell me.