The History Of Blogging And How It Started


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Do you ever get the impression that you know just enough about blogging to be dangerous? Let's see if we can fill in some of the blanks with the history of blogging and if you can't well, just read to the end, It's not educating or whatever but at least as a blogger or one aspiring to be you should at least know the history

Blogging is a concept that began in the late 1990s. It used to be a way to comment on an existing webpage, allowing visitors and readers to react to or voice their opinion on the page in question. What began as a single-sentence remark has grown into pages of my personal take on just about everything under the sun. As time goes on, online advertising has tapped into the potential of blogs.
The term was coined to describe the process of "logging the web" as he browsed the internet. When Jonathan Dube blogged about Hurricane Bonnie for The Charlotte Observer in 1998, it was the first known instance of a blog on a traditional news site. In 1999, programmer Peter Merholz abbreviated "weblog" to "blog."
the thing is am not entirely sure who even started the first blog, because information on a blog this days can be either wrong or outdated, just yesterday i was watching a movie and wanted to get a little bit of spoiler, funny thing was that i already knew what happened because i have watched it before, but i searched it, and turns out the blog was completely wrong.

p.s I wanted to know if a certain character in walking dead died, and the blog said the character died with 11 other characters, in which this certain character wasn't even among the 11.
honestly i don't know what bloggers are doing now.

Anyways Most experts agree that the first blog was, which was founded in 1994 as a place for then-student Justin Hall to publish his writing. The site was entirely made up of brief posts, each of which shared a link and some of his thoughts on the content.

1994 or 1998 i have no idea anyways at least i did a bit of research.
I did now that blog was coined fro two terms web and log, which means logging into web. However, I did not know other factors. Blog is a very personalized post, an opinion, about something. It is different from news in a sense that Blog does not only only provide information but also the opinion of the writer. The general understanding is anything written for the internet is categorized as blog. Today social blogging is a popular term which combines two activities socializing and blogging. Forums are also social blogging sites as we can publish blog posts as well as socialize with other users.