The Amazing Health Benefits Of Becoming A Vegetarian.


Vegetarianism is a lifestyle choice that more and more people are adopting, and for good reason. Vegetarians are able to enjoy some of the greatest health benefits while still eating a delicious diet.

Here are five amazing health benefits of becoming a vegetarian:

√ Those who eat lots of vegetables and fruits tend to have higher energy levels than those who would rather eat a burger or a steak. Fruits and veggies are packed with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that can give you an extra boost whenever you need it.

√ Vegetables and fruits contain lots of fiber, which helps your body improve its digestion process. This means that you’ll be able to digest all your meals much faster and easier.

√ According to several studies, vegetarians have better sleeping habits than non-vegetarians. They also tend to enjoy longer periods of sleep while feeling more rested in the morning. Vitamin B6 is thought to be responsible for this difference, as it improves melatonin production in the body.

√ Multiple studies have linked vegetarianism with lower risks of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, dementia, high blood pressure.
Becoming a vegetarian can have profound and positive effects on your overall health. By cutting out meat, you are cutting out the source of many of the most common (and serious) lifestyle-related diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and stroke.

The World Health Organization has even gone so far as to say that processed meats can lead to cancer. Processed meats include things like hot dogs, bacon, and sausages. These types of meats have been known to be bad for us for a long time, but this is a major step for the WHO to take.

In addition to the health advantages you’ll gain from going vegetarian, you'll also be helping the environment!

Meat production accounts for more water use than any other industry in the United States. It takes an average of 2,400 gallons (9085 liters) of water to produce one pound (0.45 kilograms) of beef!

The US Department Of Agriculture estimates that raising animals for food accounts for 55% of soil erosion and 37% of pesticide use in the US.

This all means that if every American skipped just one meal of chicken per week and substituted vegetables instead, it would save 100 billion gallons (378 490 litres) of water per year - enough
Though garlic is commonly used as a spice in cooking, it has some surprising and impressive uses when applied to your body. Here are five amazing ways to use garlic as part of your skin care regimen:

1. Garlic can treat acne. Mince a clove of garlic and apply the juice directly to pimples.

2. Garlic can remove warts. Apply a slice of fresh garlic directly to the wart three times a day until it falls off, which can take up to two weeks.

3. Garlic can fight aging. Applying crushed garlic to your face helps promote collagen production and consequently plumper skin and fewer wrinkles.

4. Garlic can help you quit smoking. Try eating raw garlic for two or three days straight, chewing it thoroughly before swallowing, to help reduce your cravings for cigarettes.

5. Garlic can brighten dark circles under your eyes. Crush some raw garlic and mix in water to make a paste, then apply under your eyes and let sit for 10 minutes before rinsing off with warm water to reveal brighter skin beneath your eyes!

6. Garlic can scare away evil. It can be used as spice and cleaner at home.
A vegetarian is someone who eats exclusively fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts and no meat or, in some cases, no animal products at all. There are many benefits to a vegetarian diet when it’s followed correctly. If you’re avoiding meat but only eating processed breads and pastas, excess sugar, and very little vegetables and fruits, you’re unlikely to reap many of the benefits of this diet.

Plant foods tend to be lower in fat, sodium, and cholesterol, which can have a positive effect on your blood pressure. Fruits and vegetables also have good concentrations of potassium, which helps to lower blood pressure.

A vegetarian diet boosts the heart-health due to foods that are higher in fiber and unsaturated fats. Both of these nutrients help manage the body’s cholesterol. Nourishing your body with fresh plants is a great way to reduce obesity risk.

Research found that following a vegetarian diet, or a diet very low in meat, for at least 20 years, can increase life expectancy by 3.6 years.

A vegetarian diet could help you boost your overall health and reduce your risk for health complications if you stick to proper portions and nutrient levels for your body.

A person does not have to eat meat to get all the nutrients they need for good health. A meat-free diet can lead to better health also.
Majority of individuals do not know that being a vegetarian is very essential and important to our health and for our survival as a whole.The role of vegetables and fruits in humans life can not be overemphasized because it plays a huge role in humans life.

When we are taking about the amazing health benefits of becoming a vegetarian, we need to lay emphasis on what the term "vegetarian" really mean. A vegetarian is a person who rely or depends only on vegetables i.e fruits, crops and water for living. Being a vegetarian, it means you must refrain from eating any meat, poultry, fish, or by-products of animals.

However, For you to gain the maximum benefits of being a vegetarian, you should be eating a good balance diet ( a good combination of fruits, carbs, fats among others). You can not just be eating vegetables and be expecting your heath to improve overnight, It's not like that, rather you need to be eating properly (a good balance of proteins, fats and carbs) as previously mentioned.

Doing enough exercise is also a key factor in other to gain the maximum health benefits of going veg. Regardless of your chosen diet, Abstaining from eating meats or by-product of animals alone is not enough. But as I said above you need to incorporate exercise into your daily routine.