Tailwindapp.com Review


Tailwind is a tool that allows you to schedule and publish pins on Pinterest. You can also use it to help you analyze your results and find new ideas for pins.

Some benefits of using Tailwindapp include being able to save time by scheduling your pins in advance, getting more traffic to your website or blog from Pinterest, and improving your Pinterest marketing strategy with the data and insights that the app provides.

Setting Up Your Account

To get started with Tailwindapp, first create an account. You can sign up for a free trial to get started. Once you have an account, you'll need to connect your Pinterest account. To do this, go to the settings page and click on "Connect Pinterest Account." Follow the prompts to authorize Tailwindapp to access your Pinterest account.

Creating And Scheduling Pins

Once you have your account set up, you can start creating and scheduling pins. To do this, go to the "Create" page and select "Pin." From there, you can upload an image or enter a URL of an image you want to pin. After that, fill out the information for your pin, including the title, description, and link. Then, choose which board you want to pin it to and when you want it to be pinned. You can either schedule it for later or pin it immediately.

Analyzing Your Results

Tailwindapp also provides analytics so you can see how your pins are performing. Go to the "Analyze" page and choose "Pins" to examine your analytics. You can view complete data about each of your pins here, including the number of repins, likes, and clicks it has brought to your website or blog.