Stress at Work


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If stress is an important part of your work, you can try having your own ‘stress diary’ and start recording the times that you suffer from stress. You have to make a start.

Spend a few minutes each day, sit quietly in a place, recollect and write all the stressful moments that you have suffered during the day. Try to find some solutions for those stressful moments.

This way, you can try to avoid encountering the same situation again and again. Improving your self-esteem is nothing but improving your relationship with yourself. If you improve your self-esteem, your performance in all areas of your work will also improve.
It's a strange thing. Stress is bad. But pressure is OK. :) At work, there are some people who thrive under pressure. Give them an assignment with an expected due date and tell them poor quality work is unacceptable and it's like you lit a match! They are on fire and they work like there's no tomorrow. However, like almost everybody else, those same people don't respond well when put in a work situation that is continuously stressful.

Every employer should strive to make the workplace pleasant so that the employee is more productive. But the reality is that some workplaces have an added layer of stress and if you want to keep your job, then you're going to have to figure out ways to work around that stress.

The first thing is to recognize WHERE the stress is coming from. From your boss? From a co-worker? Are you bringing your stress to work from home? Once you pinpoint the STRESS SOURCE, then try to eliminate it or at least decrease it. How do you do that? Everybody is different. You have to find out what works for you. Me? I pray a lot!! ?
Some of us live and work in an environment where stress is seen as nothing because it has become an everyday thing and therefore is not seen as a problem that needs to be resolved.

You wake up in the morning to go to work, you spend hours on traffic because of poor roads and population of road users, when you get to work you are given a workload meant for four persons and is expected that you finish it within a stipulated time frame, when you close from work you encounter another traffic that ensures that you get home very late.

By the time you get home is already very late, you just put on your alarm, have a little sleep, then wake up to continue the circle. At the end of the month, you are given peanut in the name of salary and you can't complain much because there are millions of people out there who will give anything to be in your position due to the high rate of unemployment.