Start these Businesses With A Laptop And 10k


Active member
Having a business is a great thing for anyone to achieve. Apart from the benefits, it has compared to working for someone, there’s also a level of fulfillment it brings to a person. Here are business ideas anyone can start with just a laptop and a capital of 10k and earn a decent income whether you’re in it passively or fulltime.

Mini Importation

This one is my personal favorite for several reasons like;

It’s one of the online businesses I do, and I also have friends who are into it. So I can easily talk or write about it. It’s very easy to start. Unlike the other businesses where you have to build a product yourself to sell or learn a skill, there’s nothing like that in Importation. Everything has been done for you so all you need do it to place an order for a product you choose to sell and you start selling.


If you have a skill that you’re very good at then this is a good business for you to consider. There are millions of people in the world who are so lazy to do things for themselves and would rather pay someone to help them do it
All you need do is to register on a freelance site (which is very easy to do) as a seller and start offering your skill as a service to clients who need it.Some sites for freelancing are; Fiverr, Upwork, findworka (it’s a Nigerian freelancing site)

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