Seniors are grouchy and temperamental


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When I was a boy I always remember the words of my parents to be careful in dealing with the elders because they are mostly grouchy. One actual example was my maternal grandfather who did not show even a little concern for us kids. When I grew up that’s when I learned that the elders may have an ailment that is bothering them thus it is causing them to be grouchy and temperamental.

Now that I am an elder myself I have observed that when I wake up and there is something bothering me my tendency is to be grouchy. But since I am aware of my behavior so I always try to be clam even when there is something that can make me irritated or angry. That usually happens when I did not get a good night’s sleep. Isn’t it very simple to avoid being grouchy?
Oh wow I didn't know about this side of the seniors, that's a serious one. I think I used to see my granny gets a little Petty but never really pay attention to it since I loved her a lot. But with this explaination of yours I think I understand it now. I hope mine will be different though