Sell food stuff on credit


VIP Contributor
This selling on credit usually starts in grade school. One classmate will buy candies and would sell to his classmates. Most of the buyers have no cash so there will be a list for the credit buyers. In the office it is also the same scheme that a seller would allow credit to the buyers. The best advantage in the office is that buyers would surely pay when the salary comes. Selling on credit gives the seller the benefit of an increased mark up which is understood by the buyers. I have been buying from an office mate when I was still employed so I know that kind of business.
When I finally open up my business I would never sell on credit to anyone as this is the number one thing that could crumble any business. When it comes to business we should leave sentiments apart. A lot of people are doing business with sentiments which isn't right, I won't ever sell on credit to a brother as business is business which shouldn't be done with sentiments. Few years ago my mom owns a provision store but now she there is nothing left on her shop as everything has crumbled completely due to friends coming to her and getting items on credit without paying back and when she eventually gives them a reminder few days or weeks later they would begin keeping malice with her.
Selling goods on credit is a slow killer for businesses. Similar thing happened to a friend of mine who owns a raw food store. Many people will come to him and beg him to give them food that they will come to pay later. The funniest thing is these are actually people he knows very well, either they are a close friend of his or a relative/family member. Unfortunately, this guy doesn't know how to say no to them. They will collect foods and leave, never to show their face again for months. I always warn him against such things but he is too compassionate for his own good. For now he is still doing fine,I just hope he doesn't come to regret it.
I will never selly products on credit to anyone no matter who you may be.