Save money on food items


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It's hard to have money, hence we need to manage it.
Coming to food items, they are several way of saving money.
1. Plant: planting some food items such as plantains, cassava, water leaf, vegetables and so on can reduce your expenses on food items.
I can remember when I was in rural area, my father has a large space in our backyard, we planted a lot of things, we wasn't buy vegetables, and water leaf, even plantains.this way, you can save money on fresh produce and enjoy the satisfaction of growing your own food.

2. Cook at home: Eating out can be expensive, so try to cook at home as much as possible. This way, you can control the ingredients and portion sizes, which can help you save money.

3. Make your own coffee and tea: Buying coffee and tea at coffee shops can add up over time. Invest in a coffee maker or tea kettle and make your own beverages at home
Sure bro,we can save money on food items but sometimes is hard to do so, other way of Saving money on food are as follow.

Avoiding excessive eating habits, yes eating too much wouldn't help in saving money on food instead it increases the amount of money we buy food.

Consider eating twice, eating twice a day is another way of Saving money on food. Instead of eating three square meal a day, aplie eating twice, this way you can save one square meal for the coming day.

So friends, saving money on food in this our recent world may be difficult because food contribute in life a lot and food is the source of life, but applying the above steps, avoiding excessive eating habits, eating twice a day will help to save money on food.