Receive Money for your posts on


The website offers forum posting jobs. You will only get paid if the personal finance posts you make (about loans, investments, saving money, etc.) are good. You get paid in USD for each useful and relevant piece of content you make. Per discussion thread or post, you will receive $0.0003–$0.135.

Posting Rating:
  1. Thread and Post: Creating a forum topic - 30 Minimum words - Credit $0.0003 - $0.135
  2. Daily Activity: Awarded on the first log in each day - Credit $0.0015
  3. Reply: Someone else reply to your post - Credit $0.0065
Verification process:
Step 1: The user must create at least 15 quality threads and replies that are well written, accurate, grammatically correct, and have original content.
Step 2: Once you've submitted your five threads and posts, tell the admin that you want to be verified.
  • Minimum Payout - $5 and maximum - 20$ via PayPal, Binance Pay (Cryptocurrency) or (Bank Transfer for Nigerians).
  • Withdrawals
Number 1 Rule: We will remove the credits/earnings given for plagiarized (copy and paste), irrelevant, and duplicate threads that violate the Forum posting rules. Please note that plagiarized and spun content may warrant a ban.
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It's a great idea to have such a new forum site. I believe it would be nice and convenient to work in just like all of your site's. However I would check it out during my free time and have a trial on it.
it is always good to have another forum that we can post on. it gives one the luxury of picking out the ones that one can comfortably work with and not just limited to one or two that you are forced to work with for lack of other alternatives.

This is another forum that I will learn from apart from making money. The economy now needs one to be conversant with money issues especially when it comes to saving and staying out of debt. I have joined the site already. Done the three required threads for verification. Admin please do the needful for me. .
I discovered this forum on Forum Coin where the thread starter mentioned that the forum is owned by Trendri admin. I check the forum and found that it offers a lot of earning potential because it is new and you can make a post on a variety of topics. I am interested in joining the forum because the forum niche is something I am very interested in and in the niche that I find comfortable writing posts. However, forum posting is a tiring job and it is not possible to be active on multiple platforms especially when you can earn more by posting more words.
I discovered this forum on Forum Coin where the thread starter mentioned that the forum is owned by Trendri admin. I check the forum and found that it offers a lot of earning potential because it is new and you can make a post on a variety of topics. I am interested in joining the forum because the forum niche is something I am very interested in and in the niche that I find comfortable writing posts. However, forum posting is a tiring job and it is not possible to be active on multiple platforms especially when you can earn more by posting more words.
@Mika I look forward in seeing your post on
Interesting forum, discussion about personal finance, also discussing credit card issues, tax relief etc. also higher pay.
Everyone is welcome to join the forum. The use of article-rewriting software, posting of plagiarized content, or copying and pasting of content from the web resulted to ban of some members.
This is another to make money online for us. @Fecoms How many thread and comments are allowed in a day on the website? I hope to hear from you soon
I am interested in joining the forum because the forum niche is something I am very interested in and in the niche that I find comfortable writing posts. However, forum posting is a tiring job and it is not possible to be active on multiple platforms especially when you can earn more by posting more words.
Due to members creating duplicate accounts, I have increased the post requirement for new paid posters to discourage the creation of duplicate accounts. The first criteria seemed to have been too easy in LumoXchange.

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