Raw materials use in manufacturing goods and services


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Raw materials are very much effective and useful when it comes to manufacturing, without these product or goods, they product won't be produce and therefore distributed in the local market.

And most of this products may be hard to fine and we can't easily see them in the market, like crude oil.
Crude oil is an important product most especially primary raw materials that we extract from the soil in order to make fuel and other corrosive materials we use in our day to day life, this could be made possible through the mining of this product which take time and effort to extract and transform into finished product which we use, we also have other raw materials secondary ones that we used for consumption for food like cassava which we transform to finish product which we consume them each day and to engage in manufacturing of product one must be equipped with many machine that does this work effectively and also he or she need to be close to the farm or area which this raw materials are gotten from so as to reduce cost of spending.