Proof of authenticity of Figures


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Nowadays a lot of products in the world have a copycat from the original, sometimes you don’t know whether the one you got was really the original one or fake, so that’s why before buying or purchasing products you need to know and have basic knowledge on the proof of its legitimacy. Of course, you want original products for yourself, right? but sometimes original products cost more and sometimes we can’t afford it we stick to class A products or imitation to suit the things that we want, this goes also on action figure. One good friend of ours asked, how to know the difference between KO (Knock off) figures and authentic figures if the figure and details itself were almost the same? Well, that’s the thing we have to find out today, what’s the proof of authenticity of figure. where to find it? how to know it? without further ado I will start.
One thing to look and to know if it’s authentic or not was the box of figure, the authentic figure has a mark or a sticker from the manufacturer itself, complete label, while on the other hand a KO/BL figure has something missing in its box, the sticker of manufacturer, also same label encrypted in a box. The image that was shown above was one good example between authentic and not. The first image of KOA Bound Man was the authentic figure, you can see that it has a craneking on the upper left side of the box and Banpresto on the right side, also it has One Piece on the lower left. On the other hand, the second image which is a BL you can see what it’s missing right? A lot. One thing to look if it’s authentic or not was the box.