Problem solving: The big idea behind money making


Active member
We live in society banked up with numerous problems and challenges begging to be solved .

Few people noticed and solved those problems and created a system that paves a way out for the society. And these people are amongst the top few big gigs in the society today .

Their ability to solve and create a way out of the societal problem is what made them rich.

A bottled water company owner for instance,saw that their is scarcity of pure and portable drinking water in his society and so he takes advantage of that to create a system to help people out of this problem. The outcome is that he gets paid for this problem he solved.

Facebook was created because there was a need to communicate and keep in touch with Friends, family and loved ones . and now tons of dollars is gained everyday by mark zukerberg just because of the problem he solved!

The list of rich folks and the solution they were able to profer is inexhaustive

The idea that would make you rich is hidden right near you

Look for problems and profer solutions!


VIP Contributor
You are right with this your write up.
Most successful people in the world are succeeding because they actualised the opportunities that cross their ways .
It is very important to look at one surroundings and utilize any opportunity their. I believe that the whole world has a lot of problem which they are looking for the people that will help them out to solve the problem. So one that really want to succeed in life should try to solve any problem that see around them and by doing this there will be inflow of cash.


VIP Contributor
Problem solving is the Genesis of great companies in the world. those companies and brands look at the major problem facing humanity add a create the best solution to that problem.

Bill Gates creates Microsoft when he sees the need for different software to use and computer system.

Thomas Edison create general electrics in order to provide lightning for the people to use on daily activities.

Ford create car for the poor masses because it is only owned by the richest during that time.

To create a successful company, you need to look for a common problem among a large number of people and create a perfect solution to that problem to make money for yourself.


Valued Contributor
If I am going to be honest with myself, I think this poster actually made sense with the analysis he explained in the thread but let me just add more to it, in making money, personally the way I see it , I think that there are some opportunities that we could use to earn some income but we let it pass us by probably because of our ignorance or maybe we thought that it can’t earn us more money as we hope for, the main thing that I believe in is that if one could find a way to earn a small amount of money, then you should be smart enough to expand such opportunity


VIP Contributor
Bro I wish I can like your post 100 times because you really make a lot of sense, this is what I have been preaching since in this forum, when people create threads asking can they become millionaires doing surveys online or somebody whining about getting kicked out from an earning program or which business can I start that will generate millions for me within a short period of time.

Business is all about value adding, if you can add value to people then be sure of making yourself a fortune, most multi millionaires nowadays make their money because they uniquely create a solution for other people's business, I will even go far to say that you can even modify existing business models and define your niche and enjoy monopoly.

But when you have bunch of people that are hell bent on starting a business just because others have started it and they're making money from it, it really drives you nut.

If you solve a real problem, people will come to you and you don't even have to stress yourself out trying to win them over because you can't be ignored this is a simple law that often get ignored.


VIP Contributor
This is just the honest truth, if you see anyone who is a billionaire then you know that there is a problem he or she has been able to solve. Some time ago I was discussing with someone about this kind of topic and he was saying that some problems in the world today were purposely created by people so that they will solve the problem and make money off it. I began to reason these and actually find out that it is true because during the Corona virus pandemic a lot of people made a whole lot of money with different kinds of health products. Some people even suspected that the coronavirus pandemic were purposely created by some persons in order to make money from it. But on a personal basis I do not believe that.
It is quite very much important for people to understand that for you to make a whole lot of money on the internet you must be able to solve people's problems. If you are an affiliate marketer you need to look for what people are interested on and provide solutions to them by promoting a related product and you are definitely on your way to make some good amount of money.


Valued Contributor
This is very true. Making money depends on having to solve people's problems. People will pay you for solving their problems. Therefore, when looking for a way to earn money, start by finding out which of people's problems you will be solving. Which you can do both online and offline.

Remember solving problems depends on the skills that you have. Either you studied them in school or through other methods. Believe in yourself and do the best to earn from your skills. The good thing is that you can take time and learn any skill you want. It is so easier nowadays since you can learn so much online. You can watch YouTube videos or read ebooks and resources found online. Then practice those things you learn to gain as much skill as you want.

Some of the problems that you can solve either online and offline include;
1. Health problems - you can study to be a doctor or study basic first aid skills and you will earn from selling your health services. This also includes giving health advices and providing medicines to people.

2. Management and leadership - many companies are looking for skilled people who can lead and manage their assets and resources.

3. Content creation - there are many websites and social media accounts that require people to post content for them.


Valued Contributor
You are right but the challenge we have in this country is so unique, I know Nigerians are never lazy infact everywhere they go all over the world they are always coming out as top in every thing they land their hands. Hour unique problems here are our leaders they have politicized everything that happens around here.they make us look like we really don't know what we are doing. They have made it very difficult for an average Nigeria to sit down are think of ways of even adding value to our lives. Please just point your hands to the sector that is really working in this geographical entity called Nigeria.

We we look at our educational system where the best brains who are suppose to be productive and empower the country is now suffering from brain drain as a result of consistent strikes in the university system. Again the universities are nothingnto write home about with somany dilapidated structures and we all know there are somany brilliant youths with excellent ideas and some even struggle to show case their innovations but are taken away from the seen. Many of the ideas dies in the youths. Even doctors and nurses are leaving the shores in droves. So you really can blame the people. Government should create an enabling environment that will make people thrive.


Active member
You are right Mr Poster. Every body try to make money to solve problems because we live in competitive world. In this world individual wants are many but the the but the money to satisfy them is scarce.
We also work to get money so that we don't suffer in our old age.

In this world money does almost every thing. Then what can we do if we don't have money? This means we have to work no matter what to get enough money. Problems are every where and no one knows when he will face a problem Therefore we have to be always read to solve the anytime we fall into problem.


Valued Contributor
Yes it's true that your ability to think and find solutions to a problem is another way to create a new stream of income. And almost every business you see around is trying to address this same case, but there are still a lot of challenges that our various societies may face and needs someone to stand up and address the issue.

But indeed the brightest brains which have the ability to notice problems and challenges that are being faced and proffer solutions to them have a wide chance of making money. If your community has the challenge of lack of a tailor, your ability to rise and learn the trade and begin in your community is a kind of problem solving thought that will help you ( the solution bringer) to make money. It must not be that you set up a company or something big but any small contribution you can bring is a way forward both for your earnings and for the society.