Phones are distractions to students?


New member
Phone are not a distraction to students because some uses their phones for their assignments and other related educational works
Some students uses their phone to even make money and assist themselves in school
Having a phone in school school not stop you from studying your book if you know what took you to school
Some students also uses their phone to chat on social media, all work without play makes jack a dull boy
Phone will become a distraction when you spend too much time with it and you don't study your book.


Active member
Very true, these days a lot of students are easily distracted by phones especially the social media part of it. It's very easy for a teenager in high school to create an account on social media and start to do all sort of thing on social media without regulation.This is even affecting the reading culture that existed amongst University students in the past. Nowadays they can just copy and paste assignment gotten from the internet instead of settling down to conduct some research on the assignment. It just to bad as it is one of the disadvantages of technology in the 21st century.


Active member
But seriously not only teens but everyone ,phone takes a very large chunk of our productivity. You go to some Government offices sometimes and you will see people on their phones when they should be attending to people, this is really so annoying.


New member
Even as a non student phone has distracted me and influence me positivity and negatively, though in my days in school I never had a phone but today the reverse is the case, student of junior secondary two now goes to school with phones and its beat my imagination about what will happen in the nearest future, Take a look at the internet space at the moment, so much pornography and adult content are so free to the teenagers to watch and exhibit as well, so in my review I suggest that are students should avoid phone at the moment and pursue their future.


Active member
I also agree, I think that the parent should cease the phone when it's study time. Or get a study partner that will always ensure that they both study together whenever it's time for study. Although the degree of distractions of phones among students varies and depend largely on the individual. During my school days, I had zero interest on social media when school is in session

Noor Fatima

With the way things have advanced in our society today, one would think that life would become very much easy for students and learning process would be top notch without them undergoing much stress, however, it seems that mobile phones are a great distractions to them, especially high school students. I do not think it is even proper buying a phone for a child who is still in high school, except if the parent would be able to ensure maximum parental control.

A lot of teenagers now spend time on social media doing unproductive things instead of reading their books and coming up with good grades every session.

What do you think?
Yup it's quite right mobile phone firstly make someone addict or we can say that we make ourself addicted to mobiles then we can't focus on are study because after every 2 mints students thinks that there will be another post uploaded we have to check that or we have to check some texts so when we are doing multiple tasks it will result that we lose our attention on one so students have to study on time of study without using cell phones or at the time of other activities whatever they want they can do


VIP Contributor
Phone are not a distractive to a serious and discipline student.
Phone can be use by a serious student to make research on any subject they are having problem on.
Sometimes it might be a distractive to any student that is not well focus because there are many things on thr phone like video,chatting and music to listing to even whiethe lecture is still goingon in the class room.


Opportunity seeker
In as much as I agree that phone can be a distraction to student it can also be a source of making money. Funny stunt yesterday I missed a lecture tutorial because all night long I was on bizdustry.... But I believe as a student we must learn to balance things up time to make money will be different anytime to use your phone for academic reasons will be different and also time to use your phone for leisure will be different and as a student never forget to get your minimum rest your minimum 5 hours of sleep must be an achieve goal everyday.


Active member
With the way things have advanced in our society today, one would think that life would become very much easy for students and learning process would be top notch without them undergoing much stress, however, it seems that mobile phones are a great distractions to them, especially high school students. I do not think it is even proper buying a phone for a child who is still in high school, except if the parent would be able to ensure maximum parental control.

A lot of teenagers now spend time on social media doing unproductive things instead of reading their books and coming up with good grades every session.

What do you think?
Personally, I believe that the use of the telephone today is essential, since it allows us to be in communication, and much more if an emergency arises.
Even in these times of pandemic it is very useful, since most of the classes are virtual.
I believe that a good student manages his time well, to read and learn more. And when it comes to studying, avoid any kind of distraction like the telephone.


Active member
Students themselves realize that cell phone usage does not promote learning; in one survey, 80% of students agreed that using a mobile phone in class decreases their ability to pay attention. ... In several surveys, students have reported that texting is distracting to nearby students and it hinder there learning process.


Valued Contributor
With the way things have advanced in our society today, one would think that life would become very much easy for students and learning process would be top notch without them undergoing much stress, however, it seems that mobile phones are a great distractions to them, especially high school students. I do not think it is even proper buying a phone for a child who is still in high school, except if the parent would be able to ensure maximum parental control.

A lot of teenagers now spend time on social media doing unproductive things instead of reading their books and coming up with good grades every session.

What do you think?


Active member
That's very correct especially in this social media world. Using of phones is not recommended at all for secondary school students. I remember when I was working in a particular secondary school and the proprietor notice that the students were performing poorly in the higher classes. From his findings he discovered that students were coming to school with their smart phones and get busy with it even during the school hours. The proprietor had to make a law that no student is allowed to bring any phone to school again.


Valued Contributor
Phones can mean many things to a student. It can be a distraction yes, but without it attending school will be almost impossible. There are some important information that are passed to all students which you cannot afford to miss. There was a time I had no phone with me, a test that was supposed to hold on Thursday was shifted to Wednesday. The information was passed to the group but since I had no phone so i didn't know. I missed the test and that was automatic Carry over for the course. So phones can be a distraction at times but it is a must have for every student.
Sure, the need for a phone as a student can never be over emphasised, but the truth is that many students did not get a proper orientation of how to make productive use of their phones, so this makes it difficult for them to focus on their main goal in school. They are always carried away by trends on social media and all that. They do not know about how to delay gratification. This is a very serious issue, and only parents can effectively help out, by giving their children proper orientation on how the


Verified member
With the way things have advanced in our society today, one would think that life would become very much easy for students and learning process would be top notch without them undergoing much stress, however, it seems that mobile phones are a great distractions to them, especially high school students. I do not think it is even proper buying a phone for a child who is still in high school, except if the parent would be able to ensure maximum parental control.

A lot of teenagers now spend time on social media doing unproductive things instead of reading their books and coming up with good grades every session.

What do you think?
Phones can mean many things to a student. It can be a distraction yes, but without it attending school will be almost impossible. There are some important information that are passed to all students which you cannot afford to miss. There was a time I had no phone with me, a test that was supposed to hold on Thursday was shifted to Wednesday. The information was passed to the group but since I had no phone so i didn't know. I missed the test and that was automatic Carry over for the course. So phones can be a distraction at times but it is a must have for every student.


When a student has an assignment or test coming up, I would say their phones can distract them, because you may say let you quickly check on Twitter what is trending and before you know it, you have spent most of the time on your phone. As much as phone is a distraction to students, it also has it's advantages. Students can use their phones as an easy means of communication to one another like when there is a test, assignment, group work or even impromptu lectures/classes. The phones can also be used to do those assignments and group work inorder for those students to acquire more information.


Active member
For phones can be a means of distractions for a student and also a source of income to such student. It's just that most of them are not well informed or will I say they are lazy to do some extra work online. But the truth is most of our youths nowadays are looking for quick money and that why you see that if you introduce them to business online where they can be earning little by little they are always discouraged not knowing that the little savings they earn will go a long way after some times. But if it's a student that's well informed and understand the principles of making money such student will gladly learn to earn. So not all are distracted just that most of them are not well informed.


Active member
I agree with you that mobile phones can really be a distraction even for an adult, talk more of teenagers in high school. Most parents that buy mobile phones for their teenage kids does that with the aim of them being able to have means of communication with their kids when they are not in the same location.

Also mobile phones are expected to help the kids to surf the internet for information that will help them in their academics, like doing assignments, preparing for tests or exams, etc. Many of these teenagers ends up using the phones for the wrong reasons, which affects their study. So it's important that parents step up and try to monitor what their kids do with the phones to avoid had I known.


VIP Contributor
I don't really agree with the poster because phones don't serve as distraction to students only bjt everybody that doesn't discipline himself or herself while using phones. If phone is used judiciously and adequately, there are several information and benefits that can be generated though it. There are many information that we are deformed of and we can only get them at tips of our phones.
I will only advise the parents and the teachers to serve as guidance to their student while they use phones to prevent distraction.


Valued Contributor
Phones can be a means of distraction to students but it can also be very helpful to them, a lot of activities are done online nowadays and if a student doesn't have a phone, it will be very difficult to access those information or even attend classes, because of the global pandemic, a lot of institution have adopted online learning and so everything is done virtually, if a student doesn't have a phone, he or she will miss out on what they are thought in school, so phones have a whole lot of advantages and disadvantages too if it is not used the right way.
I agree with you, but if we are being honest, we would agree that only a few population of students use their phones to do academic activities, what they do mostly is spend precious time on social media all day chatting, posting and other things that won't add value to their lives.
It is then an onus on all parents to teach their children how to delay gratification. Some of these children do things they saw their peers doing, that's why they are losing focus. If parents give their children the correct orientation, it would be hard for them to get deceived.

Akinwumi wale

New member
Phones can be a means of distraction to students but it can also be very helpful to them, a lot of activities are done online nowadays and if a student doesn't have a phone, it will be very difficult to access those information or even attend classes, because of the global pandemic, a lot of institution have adopted online learning and so everything is done virtually, if a student doesn't have a phone, he or she will miss out on what they are thought in school, so phones have a whole lot of advantages and disadvantages too if it is not used the right way.
With the way things have advanced in our society today, one would think that life would become very much easy for students and learning process would be top notch without them undergoing much stress, however, it seems that mobile phones are a great distractions to them, especially high school students. I do not think it is even proper buying a phone for a child who is still in high school, except if the parent would be able to ensure maximum parental control.

A lot of teenagers now spend time on social media doing unproductive things instead of reading their books and coming up with good grades every session.

What do you think?