Not Getting Enough Views on Youtube, What Should You Do?


VIP Contributor
You have 100-200 views on youtube but you don’t get more than 20-30 views. What should you do to improve your views?

Not getting a good number of views despite having a lot of content can be very frustrating. However, you should take this positively because you have gone really hard enough to produce so much content. So, what should you do?

The best advice is to switch it up with your content.

Try a different topic, or different niches.

People view your videos for content, when people are viewing your videos, the youtube algorithm will move your content up, and show your content in different places, such as search results and recommended videos. This will ultimately get you more exposure, and thus more views.

If the content is already good, try to make some changes such as adding a better thumbnail, making the title search-friendly and interesting, adding trending tags, etc.

Running ads might also be very useful.