Effect of not getting enough sleep

It is very important to complete the 6-7 hours sleep daily to avoid any health issues and to make us active and fit
Getting enough sleep is important in our daily routine because it can lead to illness if you did not try to get enough rest after being stressed up
If you did not get enough sleep you won't be able to have the full strength to carry out all the schedule you need to cover up because you will be stressed up
If you did not get enough sleep it will not let us to be very active it will make us to feel dizzy and also causes other problems to the body
If you did not try to get enough sleep it can result in headaches or being too stressed out so we should make to sure to get enough rest
Doctors advised that we should take at least 8 hours sleep every day to keep the body and the soul together and in good condition but sometimes it might really be very difficult for people to get up to that most especially people that are working online or people that have a lot of things to do in their life, personally I tried to get at least six to seven hours sleep every night and that is the highest I can go because of so many things to do, and also I try as much as possible not to get below 6 hours.
When you don't sleep well you will not able able to think and you will always have headache.also you tend to have red eye and when you don't sleep well it's very dangerous for the brain too because the brain is not resting and it can cause another kind of disease.so get enough sleep for a healthy and a better life
Not getting enough sleep Causes of series of health problems like headaches, heart disease and so on and it makes us to be less strong


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Symptoms of sleep deprivation include
Drowsiness, inability to concentrate, less physical strength, decreased ability to fight off infection, memory problem, and hallucinations
Risk of not getting enough sleep
Lack of motivation, anxiety, irritability and depression
Physical symptoms
Dark circles, fine lines , and puffy eyes
Not getting enough sleep also decrease energy, causes forgetfulness, restlessness, increase distractibility,, decreased coordination, delayed reaction times and also poor decision making
It also causes high blood pressure because sleeping enough is associated with high blood pressure most especially in middle aged folks
It causes heart disease
It can lead to obesity because getting less than 6 hours sleep a night increase the body hunger hormone ghrelin
So we should try to always get like 6-7 hours sleep over night to avoid certain complications in our health
Lack of sleep causes us to be less active and it also makes someone to be restless and less energetic
Lack of good sleep can make some one to run mad because when somebody do not sleep well the brain will not rest as its ought to.
Sleeping is good at least 7 hours to 8 hours is enough. Though too much of it is also not good for our health some times.
We should always make sure we get enough sleep so as to prevent us from being stressed up the next day
The body needs to be fully rested when the time is right. The truth is that no one can cheat nature because if you do you would be in for the consequences. Don't allowing the body rest property will bring fatigue and this will result in health problems that might be life threatening
You can easily become fatigued the next day if it happens that it is quite late before you sleep in the previous night. You might wake up late if it happens that you slept late. And this can affect your preparation for work the following day. If you sleep early on the other hand, you are capable of working early and prepare on time for the next day.
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Lack of sleep causes series of danger to the health so we should try to get enough sleep regularly
You are going to deprive you body systems and organs enough resting time in order to function properly. Constant headache is one of the symptoms of lack of sleeping in human. Enough sleeping ensures that all the essential organs in our body system have adequate time to recuperate and perform better. It is being said that 8 hours is enough to remove half of the disease from the body.