Introduction New Members: Introduce Yourself Here


Hi there fishbate here, as a father and the bread winner of the family. One of our responsibility as a father to put food on the plate. I was a full time technician before on a electronics company. Lately i started a small business to add some income, apart from my other part time jobs. I'm very happy that i was able to join here to have some pointers and ideas in starting a business. Looking forward for great discussions with you guys. Have a great day...:)
We would love to get to know you so please take a few minutes to introduce yourself to the community! If you are stuck on something to say, here are some ideas: 💡

Tell us a little about yourself, your ideas, country or why you're here, whatever. New members always have something to say, even those that are shy.;)

Welcome everyone!!!(y)
Hi everyone! My name is Valentina and
I'm so happy to find this place where we are all here for the same reason. I believe that together we can all each other a lot to become or for someone to stay successful and rich not only in money but in spirit too.


Hi there. My name is Steven and I come from Norway. I am interested in making money online and I have been doing it for 5 years. There are a lot of fake website, but if you contact me, I will show you how to really make money online.


New member
I am join as a new member of this forum. I would like to expand my knowledge ,read some information about make money and share as well.


New member
Hello all
I am very happy to be able to join this forum, as an employee who is currently working at this difficult time, I want to learn to be able to increase income online, hopefully we can be successful together


New member
Hi there fishbate here, as a father and the bread winner of the family. One of our responsibility as a father to put food on the plate. I was a full time technician before on a electronics company. Lately i started a small business to add some income, apart from my other part time jobs. I'm very happy that i was able to join here to have some pointers and ideas in starting a business. Looking forward for great discussions with you guys. Have a great day...:)
Good Day!
I am Hani a new member of this forum. I would like to expand my knowledge (Adsense arbitrage - Search engine optimization) ,read some information and share as well and most of all to participate in the forum threads the best way I can especially in the field of the seo and websites business where I can contribute and learn.
Thank you


New member
Good Day!
I am Hani a new member of this forum. I would like to expand my knowledge (Adsense arbitrage - Search engine optimization) ,read some information and share as well and most of all to participate in the forum threads the best way I can especially in the field of the seo and websites business where I can contribute and learn.
Thank you


Olá, peixinho aqui, como pai e ganhador do pão da família. Uma de nossa responsabilidade como pai é colocar comida no prato. Antes eu era técnico em tempo integral em uma empresa de eletrônicos. Ultimamente, comecei um pequeno negócio para adicionar alguma renda, além de meus outros empregos de meio período. Estou muito feliz por ter vindo aqui para ter algumas dicas e ideias para começar um negócio. Ansioso por ótimas discussões com vocês. Tenha um ótimo dia...:)
Olá! Meu nome é Joelson sou novo por aqui também trabalho como afiliado e desejo compartilhar com todos e adquirir conhecimento e aprender com todos é um prazer conhecer vocês.


Hi friends i am Hope from Ghana, West Africa, i am new here on this forum. I do research about how to make money online free because i dont have the capital to start any business and i am glad to join you to share ideas how to do this. Thank you and hope to be talking to you all soon.


Hi everyone

Glad to be here to learn and share. I am very much into side hustles and would eventually like to work from home full time making money online. I am an independent designer and I am also very much into promoting and seeking out genuine opportunities to make money online.


New member
Hola a todos. Soy Cayita y me interesa incursionarme en más información para mejorar como persona y también en la economía. También me he visto afectada por la pandemia. También es mi intención aportar lo que conozco de temas diversos.


Hi Everyone.
My Name Atif i am from Pakistan I am Here For To Promote My Online Business.

thanks to all.


New member
Olá ao administrador e a todos os membros deste fórum. Meu nome é Sebastião, sou do Brasil e trabalho como afiliado iniciante em marketing digital.
Como iniciante, quero aprender o que posso e compartilhar com você.


New member
Hello to the administrator and all the members of this forum. My name is Sebastiao, I'm from Brazil and I work as a beginner affiliate in digital marketing.
As a beginner, I want to learn what I can and share with you.