Mindsets of the rich and the poor abt money and making money.


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The difference between the rich and the poor is basically what they think about money. Although there is absolutely no one that wishes to be poor, but in most situations and condition they have already accepted to be poor due to the mindset that they have about money. The rich and poor definitely have contrasting mindsets and what they think about money and in this particular threat we are basically going to see what the rich and the poor think about money. And also what may be limiting those who are poor from actually achieving financial prosperity and freedom.

* What the poor think about money:

SCARCITY: Many people living in poverty may view money as a scarce resource that is always in short supply. This can lead to feelings of anxiety and stress about money, as well as a focus on survival rather than long-term financial planning.

STRUGGLE: For those living in poverty, earning and keeping money can be a constant struggle. They may view money as something that is hard to come by and difficult to hold onto, especially if they have experienced financial hardship or instability in the past.

RESENTMENT: Some poor individuals may view money as a source of injustice and inequality, feeling that the rich have more advantages and opportunities to accumulate wealth. This can lead to feelings of resentment or anger towards those who are more financially well-off.

* What the rich think about money:

SECURITY: For many wealthy individuals, money represents a sense of securitsense of security and stability. They may view money as a means of protecting themselves and their families from financial hardship.

FREEDOM: For many wealthy people, money is seen as a means of achieving financial freedom and independence. They may view money as a tool for freeing themselves from the constraints of debt, work, or other obligations.

RESPONSIBILITY: For some wealthy individuals, money carries with it a sense of responsibility to use it wisely and make a positive impact on the world.

STATUS: For some, money can be a symbol of status and success, reflecting their hard work and achievements.

INVESTMENT: Wealthy individuals may view money as a tool for investment, a way to grow their wealth and secure their financial future.