Meaning of the expression "save your pennies for a rainy day".


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There are so many expressions, proverbs, wise words etc. that experienced, expertised, and knowledgeable people have said concerned achieving financial freedom, which also go a long way to guide individuals like you and I on our intentions and dreams of achieving financial freedom . I would have gone in details to say majority of this expressions and Proverbs about making money, but for the purpose of this thread the one particular expression I would love to emphasize is the one that says "save your pennies for a rainy day" . Not a roomful of individuals are able to understand what this expression actually means , that is why I would emphasize and interprets what is actually means in this thread. First and foremost, this expression is made about base on people who extravagantly or uncontrollably spend their wealth and riches . And also for person's who spend their income enjoy the good things of life without allotting any portion of their income for saving purposes and reasons .

Here is the main advice, the future is totally unforeseen and untold, filled with some much unforeseen occurrences and unfortold circumstances which at times could leave an individual devastated and confused financially. So in other to be able to tackle and resolve these financial related problems and issues it is best to save for these emergency. Being financially equipped during emergency-financial situation is so much likened to an umbrella used to shield oneself from the rain on a rainy day .
Saving is no more taken as important nowadays, everyone instead of saving their income they send it on other less important product, or entertainment, they think that every day would be the same, well that is what we all pray for but it doesn't work like that. They thought of making income and getting richer, most people what affect them to progress economically is because the do make saving of their income they have, they send their income as a result reduce their saving. When we say a rainy day it not a literal rai but figuratively it mean a period when income we earn is low at that point in time we need to depend more on our savings in order to provide their family and also for themselves, most rimes the country economic status may be poor or getting difficult but through ones income or savings, he could provide for his need and sometimes such a person may feel the pain of not serving when he or she retirement age at that stage one may be depending on the government for pension but if he use his savings to invest in a business he would not have to wait.
This expression is absolutely referring to individuals who spend their income without having any intention of saving and also to individuals who possibly may have riches and wealth in abundance but instead of investing and making more money they spend their riches and wealth on less important things and things never positively rewarding to themselves . It is absolutely very important and beneficial that an individual make good use of his or her income or try to make proper use of his or her riches and wealth and that includes saving the money for emergency purposes and also invest in the wealth and riches he or she has possibly accumulated .

The future is filled with so much unforeseen occurrences which could be likened to a storm not known when it will unfold , but in order to prepared and ready when the storm unfolds we need to be financially stable, and also financially equipped because our financially equippness would serve as a shade for us to survive when the storm unfolds .
Save every pennies for the rainy day is self explanatory and it is a rule we need to follow because it isfor our own good. You can't do without savings because you would be harming yourself and that's the truth. The future financial demands might be more than what we are facing now so it is up to you to always find ways of saving all that you make now.

So the whole essence is that we need to save money no matter how small it will help us to live better in the future. We can achieve this by reducing our expenses. you can cut down on premium or luxury buying. one can cut down on partying that will not help. All of these is about spending money.The thing is that money spet can't be retrieved so it is good to cut away all the expenses that don't add up to save money.
This expression is very meaningful and everyone needs to pay attention to it's meaning, if you waste your money in unnecessary things then you will not have anything in your bad days.

Every person should have some plans for their incomes and shouldn't use it without any plan, I myself divide my income into three portions, one for investment, one for spendings and the other portion for savings.