Is there so much a difference between management and leadership.


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There is absolutely no far-fetched difference between management and leadership and in fact the actual idea of organisational or business management totally involves being a leader and also acting effectively as a leader. If an individual way to be asked what management absolutely means, an individual is more likely to say that management totally refers to the use of limited resources combined with forecasting, planning, leadership and execution skills to achieve predetermined specific goals. From the above definition we can totally see that leadership is definitely involved in management, although majority of individuals may not agree to the fact that to become a good effective business manager you need to act as a leader but if even to reason it in a mere outward sense we will definitely concur to that perspective.

For the fact that effective business management totally involves being able to effectively manage available business resources and revenues in such a way that the business get to sustain its available amount of output and productivity, same is also applied to an individual who is either a political leader or religious leader. A political or religious leader is expected to act not in his or her own behalf or rather on behalf of those who are subject and ruled under him, same scenario implies in a business organisation in which the manager performs all organisational responsibilities and roles that interest his or her employees and members of the public not his or her own interests.


VIP Contributor
There is indeed not much difference between management itself and the ability for one to be a leader and in fact in order to become a good business manager you must first of all acquired leadership skills such as being understanding and being approachable. Indeed these are the two most important skill any business manager would be able to get in order to be effective and efficient in his or her duty or responsibility of being a good business manager. Leadership qualities totally help a business manager to effectively and accurately carry out his or her duties and that definitely starts from his ability to be skillful and also to the creative .

A business manager do no put his or her own interest first but rather he puts the interests of those depending on him or her such as his employees and also his clients and customers and on the other hand a leader whether religiously based or politically based always endeavour to put the interest of others depending on him or her first .