Important of protein in the body.


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Protein are body building foods.

They consist of the elements, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, and phosphorus.

In the presence of nitrogen distinguish proteins from carbohydrates and fats protein are made up of 22 amino acids, 10 of the amino acid cannot be made by the body, and are known as essential amino acid.
Animal protein contain all the essential amino acids in the correct proportion and their therefore of high nutritive value.

Those amino acid which the body can make are known as non-essential amino acid, with the exception of soya beans vegetable protein does not contain all the essential amino acid.

Children need 10 essential amino acid which must be provided by food, while adults need eight.

Incomplete protein from vegetables, which keep the body alive but do not provide for growth.

However vegetable protein are important supplement to animal protein and provide variety in diet, for the strict vegetarians, vegetable protein are their main source of protein.

The main function of the protein in the body is to upkeep body tissue and solid muscles organ,and endocrine gland.

Protein are major constituent of Bones, teeth, skin, nails, and blood cell, every living cell and body fluid except bile and urine contain protein supplement supply material for body building and continues replacement of cell throughout life.
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