How to work with coworkers after a promotion


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Being promoted at the workplace means you might be in the position to supervise your coworkers because you would still work with those that you were working with before now but only on a higher capacity.

So you need to still make your coworkers know you are for them and not against them. So how do you flow with your coworkers to still maintain decorum at the workplace.

Be supportive
Let them know that your new position is to show more support for them to help everyone succeed at their different job role

Be transparent
Try and be open with your dealings with everyone. Avoid unnecessary criticism and favouritism. Let it show you are for the success of everyone.

Take up advisory role for all
if you are in the Position to advise then you do for everyone. There should be no disparity where you help one and leave the rest.. Shoe clear understanding to everyone that will need it.

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