How to Treat a Muscle Strain


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Have you treated a muscle strain?

A muscle strain is when a person has a tear in the fibers of their muscle. The most common causes of muscle strains are overuse or an injury. Muscle strains can be painful, but most heal within a few weeks.

Symptoms of Muscle Strain

The symptoms of a muscle strain include: pain, swelling, difficulty moving the affected area, bruising, and muscle spasms.

How to Treat a Muscle Strain

The key to treating a muscle strain is RICE: rest, ice, compression, and elevation.
  • Rest
Resting means not using the injured area for at least 48 hours.
  • Ice
Ice should be applied on the area every 3 hours for 15-20 minutes in the first 24 hours.
  • Compression
Compression should also be applied in order to reduce swelling by wrapping it with an elastic bandage (but not too tightly).
  • Elevation
Elevation is important because that helps blood flow away from the injured area and reduce swelling. If possible, keep the injured body part above the level of your heart.

When to See a Doctor

If you have a first or second degree strain, you can apply these methods, but you must see a doctor if you have a third degree strain.
When I was younger muscle pain or strained muscle was common when I would engage in a basketball game for the first time after a month of rest. It is actually the lack of use that the muscle gets strained when it is used or abused. A basketball game usually takes more than an hour. When I am inside the court for 30 minutes continuous I would feel the stress and strain on my muscles. But since the game is exciting so I would just continue playing. After the game that is the sad part that my whole body would be aching. It is like my flesh and sinews are being stretched. My usual remedy for strained muscles is the hot bath. I would soak for 10 minutes with hot water and later I would relax by the sofa or on the bed. On the next day a hot compress can soothe the pain of the muscles.
Because the human body is a naturally made machine , it is okay for human beings to engage in different activities using the muscles of our body to carry out various tasks and objectives . in majority of cases in the process of carrying out this the same objectives we get a muscle strain . Personally , I have once encountered in muscle strength and trust me the feeling was very devastating and painful . One of the first thing that you must do to alleviate a muscle strain is to use an ice placing it on the strained area .

In order to make the affected strained muscle area to be alleviated effectively it is important that person's cancels every activity of the day in order to rest . A lot of people saying that muscle strain is a common inflammation issue and even though and encountered the individual may still think that he can carry out the rest activities and practices of the day . for example if someone has a muscle strain while playing football , and so rather than going home or going somewhere to rest his stills indulge in the playing of the football , such actions could lead to further muscle complications .