How to start affiliate marketing with no money


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If you're looking for ways to make money online, affiliate marketing could be the right fit. Affiliate marketing is an easy way to start your own business without having to invest in any inventory or other startup costs. However, many people are concerned that they don't have enough money or don't know enough about running their own business. So let's look at some ways you can start affiliate marketing with no money!

Build your email list​

  • Build your email list.
  • Create content that resonates with your target audience, whether it’s a blog post, ebook, or video series.
  • Promote that content to build an audience around it.
As you create more and more valuable content, you’ll find that people will naturally want to subscribe to the list of resources you produce (hence why we call these lists “subscribers”). When this happens consistently over time, you will have an email list!

Write for free for other blogs​

You can also write for free for other blogs.

  • Write for a blog that you like and that has a lot of traffic. If you're going to be writing for free, it's important that the blog be good and have lots of readers. You'll find that some bloggers will not pay or compensate you in any way, but most will give you a link back to your site so that people can see what else you do besides write articles on their blog.
  • Write on a topic you know something about, such as one related to your field of study or something else in which the audience is interested. This will make it easier for them to trust what they read from someone with whom they've never worked before (such as yourself), since there are no surprises when it comes time to make recommendations based upon what was written on the site by someone else who might not know much about this niche topic either!
  • Choose topics where there isn't much competition yet; this way everyone wins: consumers get valuable information while advertisers get more leads generated because more people will visit their sites after reading yours first."

Sell your own digital product​

Sell your own digital product.

A product that you can sell is the foundation of any successful affiliate marketing business. As an affiliate marketer, you don't need to create your own brand or product (although you certainly can). You simply need to find a product that people want to buy and then convince them that purchasing from you will be beneficial for them.

  • Make sure the product is something people will pay for and not just give away for free (this also makes it easier to make money as an affiliate).
  • Ensure that it helps people in some way, even if it's just entertainment value or knowledge enhancement (these are still great ways of making money).
  • Ensure that there's some kind of ongoing benefit—for example, an email newsletter with tips about how to achieve whatever goal brought them there in the first place; or maybe a course on how-to do something specific; or perhaps even a community where members can interact with each other? The possibilities are endless when it comes down to creating this type of digital asset!

Review products within your niche from companies with affiliate programs.​

  • Review products from companies with affiliate programs.
  • Review products from companies that you have used before.
  • Review products from companies that you would recommend to your friends.
  • Review products from companies that you are already a customer of.
  • Review products from companies that you are passionate about.

Create video content to promote products on YouTube.​

If your business is in the technology sector, you could create a video series about how to use a specific product. For example: if you sell software for real estate agents, create a tutorial on how to use it. If your business offers home services (like cleaning or landscaping), share tips on how to get the most out of those services.

Another option is to create an unboxing video that shows off what's inside the box when people buy something from your store. If you're selling jewelry online, show how easy it is to put on each piece of jewelry by recording yourself trying different styles on one at a time.

You can start affiliate marketing with no money, as long as you keep at it and persevere even through rejection.​

You can start affiliate marketing with no money, as long as you keep at it and persevere even through rejection.

But there are a few ways to get started quickly:

  • You can build an email list. Email lists are one of the best assets that any blogger has, because they provide a direct line of communication between you and your customers/fans/followers. You can promote products on your website or in emails without spending any money on ads (and save yourself from ad blindness). You can also ask people for their email address when they take certain actions (like signing up for your program) or leave comments on posts.
  • Write for free for other blogs within your niche, but do not plagiarize! This is an easy way to get some exposure and build relationships with other bloggers who might be willing to recommend you later if needed. Plus, this allows you plenty of opportunity to test out different styles of writing; once readers see how good you are at something else besides affiliate marketing (i.e., travel writing), they may be more inclined toward clicking through one day when it comes time for them to make purchases themselves!


I know it can be hard to get started in affiliate marketing, but you can do it! You just need to find the right niche, create some free or low-cost content on your own site, and start earning commissions every time someone clicks one of those links and buys something. Don’t worry about making mistakes along the way; just keep at it and persevere even through rejection.