How To Reward Yourself Without Blowing Your Budget


I know how hard it can be to keep yourself motivated, especially when you're trying to save money and make sure that your bills are paid on time. But I also know that it's important to reward yourself when you've done well in your efforts to save money and pay off those debts. That's why I want to share with you some ideas on how to do that while still keeping a tight budget.

First off, if you don't already have one, get a rewards system in place. Whether it's something like an app or a spreadsheet, or even just a post-it note on the fridge with an indication of what your goal is (paying off credit card debt? Saving for retirement?), having some kind of structure makes it easier for you to stay on track with your goals.

Next up, consider using tools like Mint (which tracks your spending habits) or Personal Capital (which helps you manage all of your various investments). These tools will help you keep track of where your money is going so that it doesn't go where it shouldn't like toward buying things that aren't actually useful for getting ahead in life.

Pick something small and cheap like $5 dollars worth of gas for your car or $10 dollars worth of groceries for the week. so that even if the reward doesn't make enough money for you to feel like it was worth it's own price tag (which many rewards do), at least there won't be any regrets about not spending enough money on yourself after all!

Finally, Take a trip somewhere fun, like the beach or Disneyland. If you can't afford it, try doing something like watching a movie date night at home instead of going out for dinner. That way, you still get some quality time with someone special without blowing your budget!