How to Relieve From Shingles


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Shingles is a very common skin infection caused by a virus. It is very painful. Shingles can occur anywhere in your body but usually, it is seen on your chest, back, or waist. Shingles is characterized by red rashes and fluid-filled blisters. Fever, headache, and fatigue are also common. Shingles can spread when it comes in contact, therefore, avoid contact with a person who has shingles or if you have shingles don’t go near other people.

If you have shingles, here are a few ways that can relieve you from this painful condition.

Wear oversize cotton clothes

Wipe the infected area with a wet cloth frequently

An oatmeal bath can ease your pain

Wash the infected areas frequently

Cover the rashes and blister with bandages

Calamine lotion can ease your pain

Do not scratch the infected area

Stress can increase your pain, therefore, control your stress level

Take rest, mental as well as physical