How to reduce spying in your business


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Some competitors are in the habit of spying on other businesses to steal their business secret and ideas. Most times these are done by insiders in the business. So as a business owner you need to watch out to prevent or put a stop to it as quickly as possible.

So how would you prevent spying on your business.

Start with putting in place Physical Security like surveillance systems, securing entry points, and hiring or contracting specialized personnel for protection of lives and property.

Next is to control the flow of information. This can be about Establishing Policies for Controlling Information and no unwanted disclosure of secrets.

Another way is to train the Workforce and awareness campaigns to inform employees about the threat from industrial espionage and the importance of information security.

There should be monitoring of the employees to be sure none is against the business and selling out its secrets to competitors.

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The best way to reduce spying in your business is to make it more difficult for people to spy on you.

Here are some ways to do that:

1. Use encryption. Encryption scrambles data so that only the sender and receiver of the data can understand it. This makes it very difficult for someone who might be listening in on your communications to decipher what you're saying.

2. Don't use unencrypted email or instant messaging services like Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp. If you have sensitive information, encrypt it before you send it over the Internet (see below).

3. Don't give out personal information when speaking face-to-face with people outside your organization or family members (unless they have a specific need to know).

4. Don't tell people anything about yourself that would allow them to identify you as an ex-employee or customer of a particular company (for example, if you used a credit card number at their website).