5 Ways to Reduce Bounce Rate on Websites


Staff member
Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who come to a website, but they leave your site without carrying out any activity, interaction or not opening another page, not clicking on a link, etc. The higher the bounce rate, the worse the content on your website will be and the visitor's trust will decrease. If the bounce rate occurs when you are promoting on the website, then of course there will be no results.

As a website owner, you must be able to reduce the bounce rate percentage which is already high, and you must take the following actions:

1. Optimize Load Speed
Load speed also often affects the bounce rate, many visitors don't like waiting a long time for a website to load. So apart from the aesthetics and appearance of your website, you also need to pay attention to site speed so that it doesn't take more than 5 seconds.

2. Content Quality
Low quality content is also a major factor in high bounce rates. If the content is quality, visitors often bookmark it and use it as a reference as a source of information.

3. Use easy-to-read CTAs
On the content page, we can insert a call to action (CTA) that is clear or easy to read, thus giving visitors options to interact more easily, such as: Read More, Buy Now, Add to Cart, etc.

4. Mobile Friendly
Make sure the website is mobile friendly, because not all visitors use computer/laptop devices, especially when they surf the internet, and most of them use smartphones. User-friendly mobile also makes it easier for search engines to crawl and increase traffic.

5. Avoid using pop-ups
Pop up ads often only annoy visitors, and ultimately if there are too many pop ups then visitors will also leave the website. So use pop ups wisely.