How to Keep Your Cryptocurrency Safe?


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It's important to keep your cryptocurrency safe-the lack of security can result in theft, hacking, or any unauthorized access to your digital assets. New-age White Label DeFi Wallet Solutions are safe but you must keep in mind these tips to keep your crypto safe:

Use a Secure Wallet​

Make use of a hardware wallet like Ledger or Trezor or you can go with a software wallet like Exodus, Trust Wallet, or MetaMask to store your cryptocurrency. These wallets leverage encryption to protect your private keys.

Keep your Private Keys Safe​

Don't make the mistake of sharing your private keys with anyone. It's always better to keep them offline or in a safe place. You can even use a password manager to store your private keys.

Use two-factor Authentication​

Add an extra layer of security to your crypto account with 2FA. Two factor authentication requires a second form of authentication (such as a code sent to your phone) before allowing access.

Don’t Use Public Wi-Fi​

Public wifi networks are often unsecure, making it easy for hackers to intercept your data.

Stay Updated on Security Measures​

Keep an eye on the latest security measures and updates related to your cryptocurrency exchange, wallet, or any other platform you use for crypto transactions.

Keep your Cryptocurrency Portfolio Diversified​

Don't commit the mistake of putting all your eggs in one basket. Eliminate the risk of losing all your funds in the case of a hack by diversifying your crypto portfolio.
Since it's difficult to trace cryptocurrency transactions and even impossible in some cases, it's well known that coins or tokens that you lose may be gone forever. People have lost millions of dollars through simple mistakes.

Someone once posted the private keys of a wallet containing a large amount of cryptocurrency on social media. These types of mistakes should be avoided at all costs.

It also helps not to put all your eggs in one basket when it comes to wallets or exchanges. Imagine having all your portfolio on FTX when the crash happened. This type of event can lead to immense pain. Using different exchanges and wallets at least helps to reduce the impact if one is hacked.