How to keep our brain healthy


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1. Exercising helps in boosting our brain function and also reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's diseases so it is very good if we can engage in exercise for at least 30 minutes daily by engaging in any aerobic activities that will increase our heart rate
2. We should also make sure we get enough sleep for at least 7-8 hours daily because sleep helps in boosting our memory and also the brain health
3. Eat diet that will provide vital nutrient to the body like fish, whole grains, fruit and vegetables because they a play vital role on our brain function
4. Be socially active as it also strengthens the health of our brain because being socially active helps to ward off stress and depression
We should engage in exercise so as to burn unwanted cholesterol from the body so that you can be healthy
You can make the brain healthy when you at least sleep for 10hrs in the midnight and 2hrs rest in the day.when you do this you notice you will be calm and upright.also do exercise they also keep the brain healthy.also eat good food, fruits and veggies they are good for the brain.
We can make our brain to be healthy by eating healthy foods that we provide nutrient to the body and benefits our health
If we do exercise Regularly it will help making our brain to function properly and also make us to have a good health
Eating of healthy food can also help us to boost our brain by keeping it healthy and including fruit and vegetables in our diet can also help as well
Thanks for the option it really help a long way in keeping our brain healthy
If you want to make sure your brain is healthy you have to eat healthy foods that will help to boost your brain and immunity
Avoid been stressed too much and also make sure to get enough sleep daily