How to handle set backs in business.


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No matter how many years you have been in business, it’s never just smooth sailing till the end. Setbacks are bound to happen. When they do here are 5 ways to help you turn your setbacks into success:

#1. Expect setbacks to happen.

There is a universal truth that a person’s reaction is based on their expectation.

If you expect that achieving business success is easy, when you experience a setback, it can immobilize you because you weren’t prepared to handle the setback.
Whether the setbacks were out of your control or they occurred as a result of a poor decision you might ha’ve made, business ups and downs are a part of an entrepreneur’s life.

Part of expecting setbacks is preparing Plan B for how you will handle common setbacks that could happen to you in your business.

2. Calm your emotions.

You have so much invested into your business that when a major setback happens, it’s only natural to react out of emotion.But be careful to not let emotions cloud your thinking.

Take time to quiet your mind and your emotions before you decide how to respond. I like to find a quiet place to pray and seek wisdom and guidance. Let me tell you about a time I did not do that, when I let my emotions put me in reactionary mode.

3. Focus on the learning.

Whatever setback is happening that’s affecting your business success, if you focus on the problem and the pain, you’re only going to get stuck in worry and anxiety.
Remember that character is revealed during times of adversity. When you’re going through a setback, make some key decisions.

Will I choose to grow bitter or get better?
Will I complain about the pain or learn from the pain?
Will I dwell on the problem or decide to discover the lesson to learn?

4. Get expert support and guidance.

Two heads are always better than one. Seek out experts in your network you can call on as a lifeline when you are going through a difficult setback. You can grow so accustomed to doing things the way you’ve always done them that thinking out of the box may not come naturally.

5. Keep your setbacks in perspective.

Whether in life or business, you can always find someone who has achieved greater success than you, as well as others who have suffered greater failures and adversity.

When we go through tough times we can become easily self-absorbed and overwhelmed by our own challenges. I find the best cure to get some perspective on our setbacks is to listen to someone else who is going through an even greater struggle.
Nice points you got there, especially the first one. Many people go into businesses feeling too optimistic. As in that feeling that the business will start booming immediately and younwill start raking in millions in just a matter of days. People really need to get rid of that mentality and focus on reality. It is not Everytime that business will be good, so we should learn to lower our expectations.
In business there is always time for ups and downs but only the courageous ones expect that achieving business success is easy, when you experience a setback, it can demoralised you because you weren’t prepared to handle the setback.
Maybe you totally relied on key person of your staff who unexpectedly quit. Or, you may not have been prepared to lose one of your biggest client.
Whether the setbacks were out of your control or they occurred as a result of a poor decision you might ha’ve made, business ups and downs are a part of an entrepreneur’s life.
In business you should be expecting setbacks by preparing a Plan B but how you will handle setbacks that could happen to you in your business matters a lot.
You have got well written out and good points there. I'm sure anyone who intends going into business is suppose to have an understanding of what they are going into.

Now, about your first point, I particularly don't agree completely with it. Yeah!!! For me, as a business person, I wouldn't venture into my business expecting set back... Hell No! I have done my homework before venturing into it, I expect to succeed. I'm always optimistic. Though, one may experience a little ups and downs but that's okay... It's part of the experience.