How to Handle Comments properly on Your Blog


VIP Contributor
Do you have a blog? Are you ready for and prepared to handle the comments that will come with it? Not sure if you are? No worries—this thread will help you.

Here are some tips that can help you deal with and respond to the comments you receive on your blog.

1. Do your best to stay calm. Always remember you're trying to build a reputation, so be cool!

2. Respond quickly, but not too quickly. You don't want to appear robotic, but you also don't want your audience to lose interest while they wait for a response. Do it moderately.

3. Be honest. Correct any errors in your post. Apologize when necessary, and explain why you made the error.

4. Always offer a sincere thank-you for positive feedback, and accept criticism graciously. It's hard, but you have to.

5. Offer constructive criticism in return by giving advice or suggestions when responding to negative comments.
What you've said so far is noteworthy when it concerns blogging and how a blogger reacts to comments and handles comments around his or her blog. Their is no reason why a blogger will react angrily when it comes to comments dropped by visitors in his or her blog. I usually see where a blogger set the comment on auto moderation, the blogger manually approve comment(s) on his blog to avoid spammy or robotic comments. And again, the blogger can use his or her own hand to filter the messages directed towards her blog, in case it lacks quality or an abusive words. Because, some messages aren't good enough to stay put on the blog, it can hamper it's search results.

When I see positive message on one of my blog, I wouldn't hesitate to approve the comment on my blog, and replying positively too to the comment. Rich and quality comments on a blog helps to improve the topic search results due to the comment and traffic conversion, it can be indexed when their is enough positive comments that will be helpful to users looking for such information to look through and get satisfied when they ask such kind of question.
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@sincerem Thanks for your valued contributions, i have been following some of your posts lately and have seen how versatile you are especially when it comes to blogging tips. It's true that sometimes the comments bloggers get on their posts can get one angry and this can even be harmful to the growth of such blog. This is why some bloggers try filtering some of the negative comments and choose to reply those that please them.

However, responding calmly to such comments can even help you reintroduce your real intention on the said post. I'have been in such situation even here on trendri, it is not easy but the goal is greater than any other thing so we should always respond positevely no matter the situation.
Correct. I believe you own a blog, because you sound so pure when it comes to blog gists, your experience is enormous to me.

Blogging demands patience from any blogger, if a blogger isn't careful with replies when visitors reacts abusively on the comment section, the blogger can use his own hand to drive away visitors due to negative comments too. When a new visitor who wants to settle down to the blog sees the admin of the blog, with so many detestable replies due to presence of negative comments made by some visitors too, such a new visitor will feel infuriated. Which wouldn't even make him or her to think about what the other visitors said to the admin of the blog, the new visitor will feel that Admin needs to have self control and don't need to try those toxic replies of the visitors. So, that's why we need auto moderation system to keep away spam messages.onnour bog to avoid any issues arising from it in the future.
The truth is that if you are having a blog , especially one that allows people to be able to interact with the content then you are definitely going to be receiving one form of criticism or the other especially at the beginning stages . How well you are going to take this kind of criticisms is often very important to of your growth and development.

You should always ensure that you respond every question that has been asked and also try to solve their problem as much as possible . If it is something that has to do with experience using your product or a recommendation then it is important that you should ask swiftly to evaluate if it can be able to actually improve your company or not and apologize to them if you cannot move on with it .

In the event that you are going to be receiving some comments that have the capabilities of breaking down your blog like false comments , when it is very important that you should act swiftly and debunk with evidence what they are saying is not true and also tried to protect others from any form of scam in the website .
Your blog is your business, and you want to make sure that it's always looking as professional and polished as possible.
That means you need to be able to handle comments properly on your blog. You don't want to look like an amateur or have someone complain about their experience on your site. Here are some tips for handling comments:

1. Be polite and respectful when responding to comments even if they're rude or inappropriate. It's important that you keep your cool and respond professionally, even if the comment was made by someone who wasn't acting professionally themselves (or even if they were just having a bad day).

2. Don't delete negative comments unless they violate terms of service or are otherwise inappropriate. You might think that removing negative feedback can help boost your reputation, but it actually does the opposite: it sends a message that you're hiding something from visitors, which makes them more likely to believe whatever negative comment was left in the first place! So instead of deleting negative comments, try responding directly instead.

3. Responding directly is essential; otherwise people will think you don't care about them or their opinions. If someone leaves a comment on one of your posts