Earn Money How to grow instagram page for your business

Finger Geek

Verified member
Instagram is one of the most used social media with over one billion users. Some people have been using instagram to make money. Some have also used it to grow there business. To make money or grow your business with instagram, you will need to have many followers. To do so, you will need to follow some procedure for that. I will list some ways to grow your followers.

1. Be consistent : be consistent with your theme, your post. When you are consistent with your post people will always come back to what is your next post. And they will encourage others to follow you.

2. Right time: Always post at the right time. Before posting, you should know when most of your users always come online. For example, most users always comes online after work hour like 6pm. This will make them see your post.

3. Hash tag : In your post always use hash tag. Hash tag is another way to let other people that are not following you see your post. When you use and hash tag and users search on instagram, if the search corresponde to your hash tag. Your post will be shown to them.

With these you can grow your followers.