Top 5 Ways to Grow Your Instagram Account

Top 5 Ways to Grow Your Instagram Account

Growing an Instagram account is one of the best things you can do to further your business, but it is also one of the best ways to build a business in itself. A large Instagram account can earn a small fortune through sponsorship deals and direct sales and is an amazing way to build authority and gain exposure to a huge audience.

So how do you get there? Here are five strategies to get you started.

1 Up Your Game

A lot of articles like this one will begin by focussing on peripheral activities. They’ll talk about how you can use the best hashtags, or how you can friend other people. All this can help! But what really helps is to take amazing photographs.

These photographs should be high quality, but they should also speak to the emotions that you are aiming to sell through your brand.

Create your own consistent style, use the best equipment, edit well, and inspire your audience.

2 Craft Video

Likewise, you can significantly increase the amount of impact you are able to have by creating high quality videos. Making video is harder than making photos, which means that not everyone with a camera can do it. This helps set you apart as a bigger brand with high production values that will likely carry over to your products.

3 Use Live

Live is fantastic because it will often notify your followers to watch your content. Not only that, but it lets you build a direct relationship with your audience and give them a glimpse into your life.

4 Offer Value

Photos and videos that inspire will go a long way to getting people to follow you on Instagram, but in order to really capitalize on this, you should also try to offer value through the description/

For instance, a photo of you mid backflip in front of the grand canyon will be engaging, striking, beautiful, and emotionally resonant. But if you combine this with a genuinely useful tip for developing more body awareness, then you will also be providing a service that will bring people back to your brand in future.

5 Hashtag

It’s only THEN that you should start thinking about your hashtags – once you have honed in on the kind of imagery and information you want to share.

Your hashtags should mirror and express this.

This is where many people go wrong. Sure, you can choose bigger and more popular hashtags. But ultimately, you need the people who see your content, to want to follow you! So hashtag well and think about “intent.”

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VIP Contributor
It is very important to know that if you were want to grow your Instagram page then you have to be very patient and very commitments to your strategy over the long period of time. One method that has worked for people is to be interacting with other people's pages very often.