How to gain token as crypto


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Crypto fact.

Every end of a year some companies normal give airdrops or faucet to claim against a new year that a particular coin would be release make sure you follow any crypto related group or write up to enable you aware of any new token or crypto
Yeah. That is true. Many of these sites crypto companies are dropping many airdrops ahewd of the new year. I have claimed one of these airdrops which is metakings and the value is a little bit high as it is closer to $1. I could not claim the metamusk airdrop which I do not know why. Many of these faucets are real but they do take time before you can cash out. And they offer peanuts in the end
Well, there are many projects that start every year and each and every project tends to have its own token. They do create airdrops to make their tokens more popular, but I do not usually participate in airdrops due to various kinds of different reasons. Many airdrops turn out to be scam in the end and you get absolutely nothing even after working hard. Many tokens provided by several airdrops have no real worth either due to the fact those tokens are newly launched tokens in market and they have a very low market cap value.