Presearch- token gain


Verified member

Presearch is an open source decentralized search engine that rewards community members with tokens for their usage and contribution to the platform. Presearch aims to deliver unbiased search results, which year will be paid for it as long as you search on the search engine you will receive your payment even if you got what you are looking for or not you will surely get a reward for session onas it does not depend on advertising revenue or external funding. Instead, it relies on a token-based economy to sustain itself and incentivize community participation. Presearch users can earn tokens by using the platform, contributing to the project's development, and promoting Presearch to others. Using your social media handle Twitter Instagram WhatsApp status and Facebook you can be able to promote presearch platform which will earn you token as a result of doing little tasks and even if you do not search on the platform by doing this tasks you're going to earn token and when you use the search engine also you will get a token from doing so presearch is a very good platform which I encourage others to engage in, remember that These tokens can then be used to purchase advertising on the platform, or traded on exchanges.