How to filter your customers


VIP Contributor
When you're selling a product or service, it's important to know the people who are going to buy it.

The best way to do this is by filtering your customers.

A filter is a tool that helps you find out who your ideal customer is and how to reach them. It helps you identify the people who are most likely to buy from you and what they want from a product or service.

You can use filters when you are designing new products or services, when looking at data on existing customers, and even when evaluating ideas for new products and services.

Filtering your customers will help you better understand why they are buying from you and what they value in a product or service.

You might think that the best way to filter your customers is by using a sales funnel. After all, a sales funnel is what most people think of when they hear the term "segmentation."

The problem is that while a sales funnel can help you understand who your customers are and what kinds of things they want to buy from you, it doesn't actually filter them.

In other words, there's no way to build a sales funnel that will tell you which customers are worth more time and attention. A sales funnel can only tell you which customers are worth more money and time spent on them—which means it's still going to be difficult for you as an entrepreneur to take advantage of this information.


VIP Contributor
You can use filters to help you segment your customers and target them with the right offers. A filter is a set of criteria that helps you determine which customers are most likely to buy and how they’ll want to interact with your business.

For example, let’s say you have a clothing brand that sells sweaters. You could create a filter for people who live in the Midwest. That way, when someone searches for “sweaters” on Google Shopping or Zappos, only those who live in the Midwest would be served ads from your business.

On another perspective, filter helps you know where to focus your strength on, the, it's not great to be here and there, you need to have a focus, you need to know who value you and your product, there you know how much work you need to put in, and how do you get this, it's through filter.