How much money should invest in blog before I should see a profit


The amount of money you should invest in your blog before you see a profit depends on the type of blog you have.

If you have a blog about fitness and healthy living, it’s probably best to start with around $100. The reason for this is that if you have a lot of traffic and readership, it will take a while for your audience to see results from the content you are producing. It can also take time for people to find out about your blog and start following it. So it’s better to start small and work your way up rather than try to do too much at once.

However, if you have a blog about fashion, beauty or lifestyle, then it might be better to invest more money as these are topics that people tend to like more than others and they will be more willing to pay for content that relates closely with their interests.

If you're writing about fashion, for example, you might want to invest in a lot of expensive clothing items. a high-end camera, a fancy tripod, and so on.

If your niche is more general and less lucrative (like food), then it's probably better to invest in fewer, nicer things that will draw more readers. It's always good practice to have low-cost options available for people who aren't willing or able to spend big money on your products.

For instance, if you're writing a blog about food and social media tips but only have $50 in your budget for blogging tools and supplies each month, you should start with just those two items instead of investing in everything at once. You can always add more later if need be!