How long should I nap at noon


Active member
It really is important to have a break and take nap at noon to get refresh, but what do you think is the side effect of sleeping more than an hour?
Is it true sleeping more than an hour can lead to a sickness called hypersomnia?

Hania iman

In my point of view best time for napping is at noon and i think we should take nap for atleast one half hour and the best time is from 2 to 3.30. If we taje nap daily then we will feel fresh nad do our work more energetically. Children and old people must have take nap beacuse napping is very good for them. Students can also take nap so in this way they feel fresh and then focus on their study. If we take nap daily thenwe will wake up warly in the morning and then take fresh air and do exercise daily and in this way it is also very good for our health.


VIP Contributor
There is every possibility that we human beings carry out different personal or business related activities and practices which are productive or unproductive to us . And in the process of carrying these activities will become tired . And so it all the to revigorate our bodies we have to indulge in the act of sleeping . majority of individuals do not know how important the art of sleeping is to your health . It is important that we know that when we sleep our body members and system tends to rest as well , in order for them to be ready for the next day activities .

Brain failure , and memory loss are mental health issues usually caused as a result of lack of sleep and rest . Our brain faculties during the night time when we sleep tends to be at rest , and depriving our brain and mental faculties the ability to rest , and revive possibilities are it will be weak and unmotivated for the next day activities . Lack of sleep make us to be dizzy , unmotivated , weak , always tired because our body have not been put into proper rest .


VIP Contributor
Do you work a 9-to-5 job? Then you know that mid-afternoon slump. You've convinced yourself that you're not tired, but then you look at the clock and it's 12:45 and your eyelids feel like they're made of lead.

What if we told you that this is actually about more than being tired?

It turns out that your body runs on a natural clock—a circadian rhythm. This is true for all living creatures, including plants. And no matter how many cups of coffee you drink or how much Red Bull you chug to stay awake, your body will naturally want to rest at certain times during the day.

A great way to help yourself get through the day without falling flat on your face at 3pm is to take a nap. But wait—isn't napping discouraged in school and the office? Not necessarily! A study conducted by NASA found that pilots perform better after taking naps than they do after drinking coffee.

So when should you nap? And how long should it be?

Generally speaking, napping during the day is best if you can do it around 8 or 9 hours after waking up in the morning, so noon is a great time to catch some 90 minutes sleep.