How do you know if your blog is not working well?


If a blog is not working well, there are a few telltale signs.

1. One way is to look at the analytics reports that you get from Google Analytics. You can check to see how many people visit your site, what they do when they arrive, and what pages they are reading. You can also look at the traffic sources that brought them there, as well as their search terms and keywords.

2. Another way would be to check out some of your competitors' websites and see what they're doing differently than you are. If you see that they have more social media presence and have a better engagement rate on their posts than you do, it may be time for an update!

3. if you're not getting any traffic from your site, it's likely that the problem lies with your blog's content. If you're not able to attract readership and engagement, then chances are that you haven't written content that is interesting or useful enough to make readers want to click through to your site.

4. If no one comes back after a few visits, that could be a sign of an issue with your page design. Sometimes people don't return because they don't like what they see; other times it's because there's something wrong with their browser or the way they're using it (some plugins might be blocking ads).

5. Finally, if you can't find out why some people are clicking through but others aren't, ask yourself why you're trying to attract everyone instead of just focusing on the people who will actually help drive your business forward.